Monday, March 21, 2011

Chuck Hughes Hails as New Iron Chef!

Just finished watching Sunday's Iron Chef on my PVR and saw that Chef Chuck Hughes from Montreal beat Bobby Flay (who I think can never be beaten!). He kicked some ass with lobster rolls, lobster poutine, lobster/onion ring salad, and jerk lobster but I think it was his lobster over lobster over lobster risotto that won the hearts of the judges. And mine. And I wasn't even there to taste it.

Me thinks Garde-Manger will be a bit trickier to get into after this. But I am gonna try!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ode to Le Creuset

Could be that Valentine’s Day just passed and love and red are on the brain, or it could be this stormy cold night on the West Coast makes me hunger for warmth. My Creuset was a gift for my birthday last year. It is one of my favourite things.

Ode to Le Creuset....
I dream of filling you up
Opening you up
Hearing Smelling Tasting