So, I woke up this morning to another very wet day (this is a picture out our condo window). The boil water advisory was still on, but that didn't deter me from prepping for tonight's dinner extravaganza. The menu: Roast Duck with Wild Rice Stuffing, Creamed Corn, and a side salad (I made my fave winter salad with romaine, green onion, feta, toasted pine nuts and
pomegranates with sweet vinaigrette). Car informed me that she will be trying this tomorrow night since they had Grey Cup fun at a neighbours to participate in today, which she had forgot about (way to go, BC LIONS!!!). I digress...the duck turned out with great coloring, moist, and tasty. We were quite impressed! It is quite a fatty bird, and even 15 min into cooking you could hear the juices dropping and bubbling from inside the oven. It took two hours...3o min at 400 and then another hour at 325 and then let it rest for about 20 min after cooking. I left the carving to husband, although he did have to go on-line to figure out the best way. He said they made it look much easier in China! The stuffing was delicious and hearty-- had a nice "nuttiness" to it from the wild rice. I did feel something in it was missing in terms of spice, but I still can't put a finger on what should go in...
chinese five spice? ginger? even green onion? The mix of brown mushroom and
shitake was a good call. Creamed corn went off without a hitch and I even nailed down the measurements for it. It was creamy goodness. I do think that it only would serve 4-5 sides so something to think about [serving portions]. The cat went a little
snakey when he saw the bird during prep. He even got the cooked giblets for a dinner snack. I don't think he will ever be the same...
Applesauce. Duck needs applesauce and if some get mixed up in your dressing, even better.
How in god's name did it cross your mind to put applesauce with duck?
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