Friday, December 29, 2006

More Christmas Feasts

Well, the little sister and the brother-in-law have headed home post-XMAS. Though we did not actually work on the cookbook during the visit, we certainly did eat well and were creative in our cooking. Sandy didn't mention that on the 23rd we had a small feast of our own - a meditteranean extravaganza, if you will. Homemade hummus and pita, assorted cheeses and olives, greek potatoes and lamb chops pounded thin, coated in fresh breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese and then fried in olive oil. It was great. The potato recipe was pulled from - a Christine Cushing recipe. The lamb recipe is one that I have wanted to try for ages and is from Nigella Lawson's third book, "Forever Summer". Nigella will never (no matter how hard she tries) reach the annoyance factor that Rachel Ray brings (am I the only person in the world that just doesn't see the fascination with that high pitched happy chick?). That said, she is trying a bit too hard as of late to fulfill the "gastroporn" label that was bestowed upon her by some savvy food writer.

On the 27th - the last day of their visit - we made buffa-que wings from one of Steve Raichlen's grilling books. This endeavor confirmed that it is more difficult to cook/smoke via indirect heat in the dead of winter. Nonetheless, the results were good and the Blue Cheese dressing authentic. Sadly, though I am an avid cheese lover, I cannot wrap my head around blue cheese so this part of the dish was lost on me.

1 comment:

Sandy Volume Haney said...

And the shrimp! Don't forget the yummy shrimp on the greek night!