Saturday, November 3, 2007

YUM---rice pudding

Well, it’s been awhile since Sandy’s Test Kitchen has been at work. This week I tackled Rice Pudding that big sis made waaay back, like over one month ago.

I have to say I quite liked it! It’s so easy to do and quite quick, so I am not sure why I don’t make it more since I cook rice practically every other day and almost always have leftovers. I haven’t made rice pudding in a few years…last time I did, the recipe I used wasn’t as sweet and had a strange aftertaste. I enjoyed the level of sweetness and the use of vanilla (strong, but not overpowering). I made it with skim milk and about a tablespoon of cream to make it a bit more silky. I used jumbo raisins and also tossed in a few Craisins. I think it would even be good without any raisins. I would like to try making it using soy milk---another option could be reducing the vanilla, or removing, and serving with warm vanilla soy milk (such as So Nice’s Vanilla flavored soy milk).

Husband liked it a lot. He loves anything that starts with “pud” and ends with “ding” so I was pretty sure it would be a hit. My next recipe test is the scones and then Car and I are caught up! Thank god…I have been suffering from major Perogy Passing guilt.

1 comment:

Carlyn Volume-Smith said...

you are guilty?

Wow - I am relieved as I am the one that always feels guilty.