Saturday, December 2, 2006

The really lazy version...

How much lazier can lazy cabbage rolls get?

Well, substantially lazier if you forget to buy ground beef for the recipe! So, modify, modify modify was my mantra on Friday night as I moved ahead and started the recipe -using cut up kielbasa rather than ground beef. I do not have a picture, as - let's be real - lazy cabbage rolls would be a challenge even for a veteran food stylist.

I think next time I would do a half and half mix of cabbage and sauerkraut is it was a tad tangy. But I do think that I will have to pull this recipe out of the hat a bit more often as it is super-quick and very satisfying. We can't all be the ultimate baba rolling cabbage rolls by the oven for hours on end. This dish provided the same feel with minimal effort - a definite must have for the cookbook.

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