Thursday, November 30, 2006

Blue, Blue Muffins

I think that these Alberta ex-pats need to NOT get excited about the fact that there is snow because those of us that are stuck here in the hellishly cold winter wonderland we call Alberta will be stuck with it until April or May. The Vancouverites, on the other hand, will be in springtime weather by next week (maybe still fearful of drinking the water, but wearing spring jackets!).

This weekend's theme is warm and cozy to benefit those of us in the deep freeze. Blue Muffins will be the baking endeavour and Lazy Cabbage Rolls will be recipe number 2

1 comment:

Sandy Volume Haney said...

You must have read my mind! Something cosy, some comfort food (and LAZY!)...

Now, am not so sure about the blue muffins???